Environmental Performance

The environmental impact of the Company’s activities is divided into two general categories, emission to air and ecological impact, including spills. Emission to air can be further divided into local air pollutants such as NOx, SOx and PM and global GHG emissions, e.g. CO2 and other carbon-based emissions measured in CO2-equivalents (CO2-e).
Simon Møkster Shipping recognises the responsibility to contribute to reduce the global GHG emissions and local emissions of air pollutants and the ecological impact of our operations.

Emission Reductions

Simon Møkster Shipping has clear ambitions to reduce the direct fleet GHG emissions by 40 % within 2030, further working towards net-zero in 2050. Additionally, we shall achieve a 70 % reduction in CO2-e emissions per distance sailed by 2030.
In 2022, the total fleet GHG emissions was 7 % lower than the 2008 baseline, a reduction of 6 413 t. The carbon intensity has been reduced by 49 % in the same time span.